Fluxibility: Consciousness and Nature in Bergson
Intensity, duration, freedom, these are the three notions which constitute the motto of bergsonian speculation and the three notions which need to be decanted in order to fully understand the philosophy of life of Bergson, which culminates in his magnum opus – L’Évolution créatrice. Thus, we will try to clarify each one of them, interconnecting them consecutively in a coherent whole of an account which, being made from the exterior – as all and any analysis of life -, still delineates the method of a philosophy which has the desire to comprehend pure consciousness and what is proper of life in a strict sense, and, more precisely, life as analagous of consciousness.
Key Words: Bergson - Consciousness - Intensity - Duration - Freedom - Human life
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4436637
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